Seasons of Dance




© Tommy Pascal, Peeping Tom


A sensitive exchange between choreography, music, nature, and a camera

Four seasons

Four landscapes

Four choreographers

Four phases of the loving couple


For us, it was important to work on the preludes to a love story, so to talk about all that animal force that invades us when we're in love, all

that passionate relationship we have, all the conflicts it can bring between our animal instinct that comes out of us, and all our reasons, our

conscience, our cultural environment. It's this conflict that we can have when we're first in love that can transform us, make us much gentler

despite our principles and our reasoning, through the idea of letting go, of giving ourselves to the other and losing in a discovery of


What did you find different about the way you approached your creative work with a filmed object?


For us, it was a real opportunity to work with video. We're not used to working with video. With film, we can work on a virtuosity that's a bit

impossible in real life. We can make loops out of movements and work for lengths of time that are technically impossible on stage. This duet

is impossible to do live. It's an opportunity for us to be able to go very far in the virtuosity that we wanted to explore with the dancers.

How did shooting this choreography in Mauritius influence the adaptation of what you created in your studio in Brussels?


Spring comes after the dark, gloomy winter. Winter can be a time of sadness and heartbreak.

In Mauritius we found this waterfall, this water flowing down to the sea. So, for us, it was a beautiful symbol to follow the water that melts

after the winter and flows into the sea. A love story. It's a bit like that. You throw yourself into a story and then you can find yourself adrift, in

the middle of the sea, and you can't really control your feelings, your conscience or your unconsciousness. I wanted to evoke the fear of

getting lost, of falling, of getting up again, of internal conflicts, of these fears that grip us. That's what I thought would be interesting to

explore through movement...



Max Richter 

The new four seasons - Vivaldi recomposed


Peeping Tom - Franck Chartier

Bobbi Jene Smith and Or Schraiber

Imre and Marne Van Opstal

Emilie Leriche


Sarah Abicht and Alejandro Moya

Bobbi Jene Smith and Or Schraiber

Ramon John and Peng Chen

Emilie Leriche and Arika Yamada


Tommy Pascal


Charles Sautreuil, Raphael Pannier


Boris Berger


Vick Phoolchand, Fanny Rolland


Tommy Pascal

Sound design and mix

Renaud Duguet


Nicolas Perret

A film produced by 

Boris Berger and Bénédicte Buffière


Pierre-François Decouflé

Produced by

Le Grizzly, Martha productions, Héliox

Coproduced by

Arte France, Hessiches Stadtballet, Peeping Tom

With the participation of  

RTBF (Télévision Belge), Centre National du Cinema et de L'image Animée

Funded by 

European Union, Culture Moves Europe, Goethe Institut

With the support of

Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority, Air Mauritius, CCMV - Communauté de Communes Du Massif Du Vercours, Schwarzwald Tourismus GMBH and cities of Sasbachwalden and Seebach